Event Details
This session focuses on helping participants understand and identify the most common physical and emotional issues in normal postpartum experience, and to differentiate these from clinical problems that may require additional evaluation. The workshop will explore how women can prepare for the emotional and physical issues of the postpartum period, and which coping measures may be helpful. Participants will also begin developing methods to teach these issues to current childbirth clients and former students.
Virtual workshop hosted on Zoom. Link will be provided via email.
Registration is open up until 20 minutes before the event start time.
Meredith Fein Lichtenberg, CCCE, IBCLC, JD
Meredith Fein Lichtenberg is a registered international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC-RLC), a certified childbirth educator (CCCE-CEA/MNY), parenting educator and non-fiction writer. Meredith has taught for the 14th Street YM/WHA Citybirths, Pregnancy & Parenting, Hudson River Park Mamas, Bowery Babes, Realbirth, Tribeca Workshop, and Gumbo, at numerous major corporations, and privately all over Manhattan. She served on the Board of Directors of the Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York for over ten years.
Required Reading
Optional Reading
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An Early Registration Discount is available up until 1 week prior to each workshop and will be applied at checkout.