Erica Lyon CCCE
Erica has been a childbirth and newborn care educator in New York City since 1995. She is the author of The Big Book of Birth, the critically acclaimed guide to labor published by Penguin. She has taught at some of New York’s leading hospitals, including Long Island College Hospital, the Elizabeth Seton Childbearing Center and the New York Foundling Hospital. Erica was the founder of Realbirth, the pioneering childbirth and parenting education center for New York City, which she ran for seven years. She is now in-demand as a childbirth and parenting consultant, with clients including Tribeca Parenting and the Beth Israel Phillips Family Practice. Erica also runs a private practice, providing a valuable resource to parents across the United States. She is the founder of, offering free short videos on topics ranging from soothing a crying baby to family adjustment.
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