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List the 3 stages of labor as well as the 3 phases of the first stage of labor.
List 3 early labor activities:
List 3 active labor coping strategies
List 2 Evidenced Based Reasons for Induction
List 3 Controversial Reasons for Induction
When should someone go to the hospital or a birthing center in labor? Or call their midwife to come for a home birth?
What are the ways the water can break / amniotic sac can rupture? When is it a cause for concern? (mention PROM, AROM, SROM and GBS and Meconium in your answer)
Define intermittent monitoring
List 3 things a laboring person can do if requesting an epidural to mitigate some of the side effects.
What is the intended purpose of routine administration of postpartum Pitocin in most hospital settings?
Define the following terms that relate to second stage labor: station, molding, crowning, perineal stretching.
Define the following terms that relate to second stage labor: station, molding, crowning, perineal stretching.
List at least 4 different positions that could be used during second stage labor. Which positions are most common in hospital, birthing center, and home birth settings?
What is the difference between spontaneous bearing down vs directed pushing in the second stage of labor?
Define “laboring down”
Define delayed or optimal cord clamping. List 3 evidence based benefits of this practice.
List 3 elements of a family centered cesarean birth
Define delayed or optimal cord clamping. List 3 evidence based benefits of this practice.
What resources would you send a client interested in Fetal Alignment / Optimal Fetal Position?
What does it mean to breastfeed “on demand” or “on cue”? List 3 newborn behaviors that are considered feeding cues.
What is the name of the primary professional medical organization that makes official recommendations regarding infant sleep safety in the US?
List 3 risk factors for SIDS and 3 practices that reduce the risk of SIDS
List 3 routine newborn procedures that are typically performed in the labor and delivery room within an hour after birth.
Name at least 2 reasons a parent might want to refuse for the baby to be given a bath in the hospital after giving birth.
Name 2 reasons a newborn’s blood sugar levels would be checked shortly after birth.
How many days postpartum does colostrum typically transition into mature milk?
List 3 common reasons parents are told by hospital staff to supplement their baby with formula while still in the hospital after giving birth.
List 3 benefits of hand expression
What is lochia and how long does it usually last postpartum?
List 6 warning signs of postpartum preeclampsia
1a. If you could recommend only one book to your clients, which book would that be? Justify your answer in terms of what you feel your clients need to know and how that book meets those needs. Discuss the book’s weaknesses as well. Give some examples of books you considered but rejected, and why. OR 1b. Put together a reading list of five books for your class. Justify your selection in terms of how these books meet the needs of your clients. Discuss the weaknesses of this reading list. Give some examples of books you considered but rejected. Explain.
2. Define “unexpected outcome.” Why is it important to discuss unexpected outcomes in class? What is your role as a CCE when one of your clients has one of these experiences? Give examples.
3. It is generally agreed that it is impossible to describe “how it feels” to labor and deliver a baby. How will you respond to the many requests for such an explanation that you will receive?
4. Issues relative to postpartum events are sometimes difficult to teach because couples are often more focused on the birth than the baby. How do you plan to deal with the challenge? What are the most important postpartum topics to include in your classes, and what would be an effective way of teaching them?
5. Imagine a class composed of a mixture of people half of whom plan to breastfeed and half who do not. How would you deal with the topic of infant feeding in this class? What would you include in your curriculum? Include in your answer a discussion of working and breastfeeding.
6. Those of us who choose to become childbirth educators have very strong beliefs which may be in conflict with equally strong beliefs among class members. Think about your own experiences and beliefs. In what ways can they enhance your teaching? On the other hand, do you foresee potential conflict and how will you manage those differences?
7. What is your responsibility as a teacher to the labor partner? Include in your answer a description of the fundamentals of labor support as you see them.
8. How should obstetrical technologies and medications be presented in class? Which intervention do you think has the greatest potential for value and which has the greatest potential for misuse? Compare the parent who wants everything technology has to offer with the parent who wants nothing to do with technology under any circumstance. Justify your answer.
9. What were the primary outcomes of the ARRIVE trail? Include in your answer how participants were selected, if and why or why not they are a representative sample, the limitations of the trail, and the potential risks and benefits of routine induction at 39 weeks. Please also address the response of ACOG, SMFM and ACNM to the ARRIVE trail. Is the increasingly common practice of electively inducing primips around 39 weeks gestation justified by the evidence from this study? What specifically, if anything, will you teach in your classes about induction in relation to this trial and the way it has changed obstetrical practice?